Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Radha Krishna
Chapter 1
All of Çré Caitanya's teachings-whatever they it may be-are discussed in terms of three divisions: sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana.
In teaching Sanätana Gosvämé, Çré Caitanya said:
veda çästre kahe, sambandha, abhidheya, prayojana
kåñëa, kåñëa-bhakti, prema-tina mahädhana
mukhya gauëa våtti, kiàva anvaya vyatireke
vedera pratijïä kevala kahaye kåñëake
In Vedic literatures, Kåñëa is the central point of attraction, and His service is our activity. To attain the platform of love of Kåñëa is life's ultimate goal. Therefore Kåñëa, Kåñëa's service and love of Kåñëa are the three great riches of life.
When one accepts Vedic literature by interpretation or even by dictionary meaning, directly or indirectly, the ultimate declaration of Vedic knowledge points to Lord Kåñëa.
C.C.Madhya 20. 143, 146
The meaning is this. Vedas are the scriptural authority. What the Veda states is true. Any religious person must act according to the instructions of the Vedas. The ultimate aim of the Vedic literature is to reveal Kåñëa as the only Lord, either by secondary, or indirect interpretation of the statements, or by primary or direct meaning of the statements. In other words, if one examines the sambandha or principle of relationships described in the Vedas, one will find no one except Kåñëa. On considering the abhidheya or process recommended in the Vedas, only devotion to Kåñëa will be found. In considering the prayojana or goal of the scriptures, only Kåñëa prema will be found. In order to discuss in detail the sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana, the ten conclusions taught by Çré Caitanya will first be presented in the form of one verse, and later, each topic will be discussed separately in detail.
ämnäyaù präha tattvaà harim iha paramaà sarva-çaktim rasäbdhià
tad bhinnäàsäàç ca jévän prakåti-kavalitän tad- vimuktäàç ca bhävät
bhedäbedha-prakäçaà sakalam api hareù sädhanaà çuddha-bhaktià
sädhyaà tat-prétim evety upadiçati janän gaura-candraù svayaà saù
The Supreme Lord Gaura Candra has taught ten principles to the jévas.:
1. The statements of ämnäya are the chief proof. By these statements the following nine topics are taught.
2. Kåñëa is the Supreme Absolute Truth.
3. Kåñëa is endowed with all energies.
4. Kåñëa is the ocean of rasa.
5. The jévas are all separated parts of the Lord.
6. In bound state the jévas are under the influence of matter, due to their taöastha nature.
7. In the liberated state the jévas are free from the influence of matter, due to their taöastha nature.
8. The jévas and the material world are both different from and identical to the Lord.
9. Pure devotion is the practice of the jévas.
10. Pure love of Kåñëa is the goal.